5 common benefits of outdooe play for children

5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and How to Encourage It

Do you also see you little one inside the house all the time and want him/her to step out at least once and take some fresh air, play with friends, do some physical activity ?

Well here we will list down some tips on how to deal with this issue and and also some major benefits of outdoor play. But before that there are some common questions that people have in their mind such as:

  • What are the 5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids?
  • What are the reasons behind it?
  • How to encourage kids for outdoor play?
  • What can be the positive outcomes of regularly playing outside?

In today’s world, kids spend a significant amount of time indoors, playing video games, watching television, or using mobile devices. While these activities have their place, it’s crucial for kids to also engage in outdoor play. Research has shown that outdoor play has many advantages for kids’ physical and mental development. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the aids of outdoor play and provide tips for encouraging kids to spend more time outside. Not only for small-age kids but there can also be a lot of benefits of outdoor activities for students if they step out. In the early 1980s, a Harvard University biologist named Edward O. Wilson proposed a theory called biophilia. The biophilia hypothesis (also called BET) suggests that humans have a natural tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. You can read more about it from the link.

While there are a lot of benefits of Outdoor Play for kids, here we are going to list 5 commonly and most importantly known.

5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play

Physical Development

Outdoor play helps kids develop their physical skills and coordination. Activities like running, jumping, climbing, and riding bikes help kids improve their gross motor skills. These activities also encourage kids to use their imagination and creativity, as they find new and exciting ways to play.

Mental and Emotional Development

Outdoor play provides kids with a chance to develop their emotional and mental well-being. It’s an opportunity for kids to release energy, relax, and have fun. This helps reduce stress and anxiety, which are especially important in today’s fast-paced world. Outdoor play also encourages kids to be more confident and independent, as they have the freedom to explore and discover new things.

5 common Benefits of Outdoor Play
Physical activities help in improving the mental and emotional development of Kids and also improve their concentration power

Improved Focus and Concentration

Research has shown that kids who spend time outdoors have improved focus and concentration. This is because they have a chance to take a break from screens and other distractions and engage with their environment. They are able to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature, which can help improve their cognitive function.

Increased Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system. Spending time outdoors in the sun allows kids to get the vitamin D they need. Regular exposure to sunlight can also help prevent seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that often affects people during the winter months when they have less exposure to natural light.

Exposure to nature

5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and How to Encourage It
Spending time in nature can help children develop a love and appreciation for the environment

Spending time in nature can help children develop a love and appreciation for the environment. This can lead to a greater interest in conservation and environmental protection.

Outdoor play for a kid also includes:

5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and How to Encourage It
  • Throwing and chasing balls
  • Pushing, Pulling, or Wheeling different toys and objects
  • Blowing Bubbles and chasing them as they float away
5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and How to Encourage It

Some valuable tips for Encouraging Outdoor Play

Make Outdoor Play Accessible

Make sure that your kids have easy access to outdoor play areas. This could mean creating a safe and accessible play area in your backyard or choosing a nearby park where kids can play. Consider investing in outdoor play equipment, such as a swing set, trampoline, or climbing structure, to make outdoor play more enjoyable for kids.

Encourage Active Play

Encourage kids to be active while they are playing outside. This could mean playing catch, riding bikes, playing tag, or taking a nature walk. Encourage kids to explore and discover new things, and have fun while doing it.

  • Lead by example: Children are more likely to be active if they see the adults in their life being active.
  • Make it fun: Children are more likely to be active if they are having fun. Try to find activities that your child enjoys and that they look forward to participating in.
  • Plan active family outings: Family outings, such as hiking or going to a beach, can provide opportunities for physical activity and encourage children to be active.
  • Invest in active toys: Active toys, such as jump ropes, hula-hoops, or sidewalk chalk, can encourage children to be active and engage in physical play.

Create a Routine

Make outdoor play a routine part of your day. Set aside time each day for outdoor play, and stick to it. This will help ensure that kids get enough time outside each day and that they develop a love for outdoor play. Sometimes unavoidable conditions may lead to the discontinuation of following a set routine, however, there is a major importance of outdoor play in all weather conditions. Research has suggested that different kind of weather stimulates a kid’s body in a certain way.

Get Involved

Get involved in outdoor play with your kids. Take turns playing games, riding bikes, or going on nature walks. Spending time together outdoors can help strengthen your relationship and create memories that will last a lifetime.

5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and How to Encourage It
The involvement of parents is crucial to let kids step out and enjoy
  • Limit screen time: Excessive screen time can limit the amount of time children spend being active. Encourage active play by limiting screen time and encouraging other forms of physical activity.
  • Find age-appropriate activities: Children of different ages have different physical abilities and interests. Find activities that are appropriate for your child’s age and abilities and encourage them to participate.
  • Make it fun: Children are more likely to be active if they are having fun. Try to find activities that your child enjoys and that they look forward to participating in.

Encourage Creative Play

Encourage kids to use their imagination and creativity when they are playing outside. This could mean playing make-believe, building forts, or making art with natural materials. This type of play allows kids to tap into their imagination and explore new possibilities.

5 Common Benefits of Outdoor Play for Kids and How to Encourage It
A planned outing like a picnic or a beach visit should be done
  • Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards, can be a great way to encourage active play. Reward your child for participating in physical activities and encourage them to set goals for themselves.
  • Plan active family outings: Family outings, such as hiking or going to a beach, can provide opportunities for physical activity and encourage children to be active.
  • Set a good example: Children are more likely to be active if they see physical activity as a normal and important part of daily life


Outdoor play is essential for kids’ physical and mental development. It provides kids with a chance to develop their cognitive skills, release energy, and have fun. It also helps reduce stress, improve focus, and increase their exposure to Vitamin D. Encouraging outdoor play is simple, and it can be done in a variety of ways, such as making outdoor play accessible, encouraging active play, creating a routine, getting involved, and encouraging creative play.

It’s important for parents and caregivers to understand the benefits of outdoor play and make it a priority in their children’s lives. By encouraging kids to spend time outside, they are not only promoting their physical and mental health, but they are also laying the foundation for a lifelong love of nature and the great outdoors. So, the next time you see your kids spending too much time indoors, encourage them to head outside and enjoy the benefits of outdoor play. For more information on this topic, you can always go to YouTube

Here are some common FAQs that parents ask us about outdoor play. You can always reach us by leaving a comment below to reach us. We’ll be more than happy to revert to your queries. Till then Happy Parenting.

What is the importance of outdoor games in student’s life?

Outdoor Games help kids in the development of more advanced motor skills than children who refrain from stepping outside. They have better agility, mental balance, and body and mind coordination.

Why is outside better than inside?

The benefits of being outside are far more than that of being inside the walls. You get fresh air and plenty of oxygen. Indoors can be vaguely ventilated, congested, and full of germs and dust. That is why, as soon as you step outside, you feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

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